Global Health advisory services

  • Do you need specialist knowledge in a particular area? 
  • Are you looking for additional expertise to strengthen certain projects?  

We support the development of health policies, training, technical reports, etc. We can also help you strengthen your projects by providing expert advice in several key health areas:

  • Epidemiology and Surveillance
  • Epidemic preparedness and response/ Global Health Security
  • Infectious Diseases 
  • Community health
  • Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Health Equity and social determinants of health

measuring the results of your program

  • Is your organization losing funding because of lack of indicators in your reports and limited data collection systems? 
  • Is the process of setting up monitoring and evaluation systems creating frustration among your team?
  • Do you have data gathering dust that you don’t know how to analyse? Do you have program results and you don’t know where to present/publish them? 

The results of your programs are important. Your data is precious. It can help strengthen the global evidence-base for particular interventions and garner stronger support from donors and the people you aim to serve. We help your organization:

  • Develop solid interventions based on available global evidence
  • Build or strengthen data collection, analysis and research to improve your projects
  • Powerfully showcase your results in the appropriate forums, share lessons learned with peers and donors and disseminate results among beneficiaries and communities.

Leadership & Project Management

Sometimes projects are compromised not because of lack of technical skills but because of limited program management and leadership skills, as oftentimes global health and healthcare specialists are not trained in these areas. We help your organization:

  • Detect gaps in project management skills in teams on the ground and develop adequate ongoing support systems to resolve them. 
  • Strengthen leadership and improve teamwork and cohesion at all levels of your organization and projects.